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OPHS Top Ten's
Shopping Destinations

Favorite Places To Shop

1. Jean Jowers
2. Roosevelt Mall
3. Cohens(Back when there was no 'May' in the name?) (RIP)
4. House of Bargains (RIP)
5. Zayre's (RIP)
6. Atlantic Mills (RIP)
7. Rose's (They still exist in North Carolina!)
8. Normandy Mall
9. J.M. Fields (RIP)
10.Grants (RIP)

1. Pic N' Save (RIP)
2. May Cohens (RIP)
3. House of Bargains (RIP)
4. Atlantic Mills (RIP)
5. Spencer's
6. JM Field's (RIP)
7. Grant's (RIP)
8. JCPenny's
9. Montgomery Ward's(RIP)
10.Woolco(RIP-Although Woolworth (owner) still exists)
11.Arlans (RIP)


1. Wal-Mart
2. Target
3. Sears
4. Spencers
5. Belk
6. Ron Jon Surf Shop
7. K-Mart
8. Proffit's
9. Big Lots
10. JCPenny 

This list is subject to change as new votes are received.